czwartek, 4 czerwca 2015

Tulip study

Today I exercised tulip study - analitycal painting is my Achilles's heel - it is belowe level of my perception so i am struggling with imagiing and painting what i know is there, not only what I can see myself, and the little I can see is still so difficult to catch in colour shape etc. but practise makes perfect, So I start here:

środa, 3 czerwca 2015

The beauty comes for free, the paint, sometimes, too

Today's pictures came to being due to somebody's stupidity or carelessness first (throwing open paints and mediums to a box) and Sally's effort to clean it all - I 'rescued' the paint which was going to go down the drain and to the bin. Couple of hours later look what happened... (I have to admit here it is mainly yellow and red which were rescued, other colours came from a regular source).

poniedziałek, 1 czerwca 2015

The biggest problem of my life - for today

Today I created a very mixed media picture entitled 'get inspired' though the original title might have been 'holidays' or 'happy place'. It suits very well the weather of today, cold dreaky day... And the dillemma is - where shall I put the boat / hat?

Or is it better without one?